Ola! Welcome to this awesome place called The Orange State -- Estado Naranja.

Estado Naranja ~ The Orange State
I am a one-man army with multiple roles -- locksmith, music and lover of life. I play the flute in my spare time and occasionally entertain small crowds with my music. I am not great, but not that bad either. So people tend to enjoy my flute.
During the day, I don the role of a locksmith in Roseville, California, US. If yo ever need any help with your lock and key troubles, don't hesitate calling me for 24x7 assistance in Roseville.
Interestingly, Naranja is also a census-designated place in Miami-Dade County, Florida, US. Why is it called Naranja? Many orange groves were once located here.
Do not confuse this as Estado Naranja, the music band, either.
Let's start the journey!